De Casás House
De Casás House is located in the village of Adelán, Alfoz region, in the province of Lugo.
Invest in a lifestyle surrounded by nature.
PLOT: 12.000 m²
PLOT: 12.000 m²
De Casás house was built with original robust stone walls at the end of the 19th century. It was originally used as a farmhouse linked to a farm. It was restored in 1997, replacing the roof with a more durable new one, made of ceramic tile.
With its evocative views of the “Veiga de Adelán”, a flat and agricultural area, you can watch the impressive tower that was the fortress of Mariscal Pedro Pardo de Cela. Also, on the main façade there is a small coat of arms with the symbols of the “Iglesias”, owners, from a very long time ago, of this house.
The house has a usable area of 120 m² per floor. Below are the kitchen, two living rooms and a bathroom; On the first floor there are six bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room, while the attic is a completely open space.
The farm is located on a 12,000 m² plot with a garden, a crop area and an ideal area for the installation of a swimming pool.
The rest of the annexed buildings make up a complex with enormous possibilities, for example, to be exploited as a rural house. The entire complex, which can be seen in the aerial photos, consists of a wood shed, garage, granary, hayloft, shed with a mill, laundry room and chicken coop.
The house is equipped with heating of water radiators and a diesel boiler in the garage. The shed houses an original hydraulic mill with two stones one meter in diameter.
Just 15 minutes away from this natural enclave are the beaches of Foz and, less than 25 minutes away, tourist centers such as Mondoñedo and Playa de las Catedrales.
Price: €260.000
Restoration Project: Info
With its evocative views of the “Veiga de Adelán”, a flat and agricultural area, you can watch the impressive tower that was the fortress of Mariscal Pedro Pardo de Cela. Also, on the main façade there is a small coat of arms with the symbols of the “Iglesias”, owners, from a very long time ago, of this house.
The house has a usable area of 120 m² per floor. Below are the kitchen, two living rooms and a bathroom; On the first floor there are six bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room, while the attic is a completely open space.
The farm is located on a 12,000 m² plot with a garden, a crop area and an ideal area for the installation of a swimming pool.
The rest of the annexed buildings make up a complex with enormous possibilities, for example, to be exploited as a rural house. The entire complex, which can be seen in the aerial photos, consists of a wood shed, garage, granary, hayloft, shed with a mill, laundry room and chicken coop.
The house is equipped with heating of water radiators and a diesel boiler in the garage. The shed houses an original hydraulic mill with two stones one meter in diameter.
Just 15 minutes away from this natural enclave are the beaches of Foz and, less than 25 minutes away, tourist centers such as Mondoñedo and Playa de las Catedrales.
Price: €260.000
Restoration Project: Info
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- Responsable del tratamiento: David Lozano Rubio , con NIF 24361542-B, y domicilio en Calle Rigueira 12
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